Backpacking DIY: Stuff Sack Measurements!

If you’ve come to this post of your own free accord, go check out the YouTube video that accompanies this!

Making your own roll-top stuff sack is an awesome way to customize your gear! If you are trying to estimate the best size for your stuff sack, here’s how to do the math and figure that out.

First up, decide what size stuff sack you want to make. For the video, I made a stuff sack that’s roughly 3L in size. It measures six inches wide x ten inches tall x three inches deep, which equals 180 cubic inches - or roughly 3L.

A 3L stuff sack is great for extra clothes, a jacket, pajamas, etc.

Once you decide how big you want to make your stuff sack, use this link to figure out the cubic inches to liters: Cubic Inches to L Conversion

I’d recommend making a stuff sack that’s at least half as deep as it is wide, but no shallower than three inches. Try drawing out whatever measurements you want, or use a stuff sack you already have on hand as a guide!

Now that you’ve figured out the correct WxHxD of your stuff sack, use the photos below to calculate how to cut your fabric. *NOTE: DO NOT FORGET TO ADD SEAM ALLOWANCE. You’ll need to add a half inch of seam allowance to each side, plus an extra inch on the top edges.

If you have any questions about the math, feel free to send me a message at and I’ll see if I can help!